Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The time has come for something new...
May day has come and soon will be gone...

The summer flowers will soon put on a show, but for now, I will enjoy the pansies and the sweet peas, until the heat comes and melts them away.

What adventures await, as we step into a new month?


tiny little things...
    are these words....
            they create....

My darling I love you....
     words so sweet.......so tender....
         they cause the heart to grow soft....

My darling you are.........
            they build.......
                       bridges from one soul to the next.......

    bring a smile to your lips
       and softness to your heart....
           hope for things to come........
                years of adventures to come........

     full of judgment....
What was once love....
            turns to immense pain
               leaving the one, that the words are thrown at....

twirling in a painful swirl....
    not knowing where to go.....

    hold them....
       on your tongue....

   these words .....

         that you are letting go....

      will they build?.....
            or will they tear apart....
               another's soul....

                        and in the end.....your own....


           full of love....
               as soft as the foam........
                       that softly carresis your toes .......
                                as you stand on the shore......
These are the words that your darling wants to hear....
                  from you......
Deborah J Rice

Treasures of Life

This past year, I have been blessed with so many different traveling adventures and great times with my brothers, sisters and friends.

One of the fun adventures that I had this year, was sitting up on the very top of the Stage Coach at Knotts Berries Farm! I took a picture while I was up there, what a memory. I reflected on many things while I was up there, one of the thoughts was... we are so lucky to have comfy cars to ride around in, and how did those cowboys ever stay up there, the stage coach rocked back and forth and sideways...and we weren't going very fast!... I have a new appreciation for that form of travel. Riding behind the horses brought back the memories of riding horses, when I was still at home.